Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Friday, January 27, 2012


Up at 04coffee with my bride and then read a couple of blogs.

Pretty much a do nothing day until 02:30pm when it got time to go to Warrenton Mo. to pick up Adam at the bus stop. We got home at 04:30PM and Chris and Nicole were waiting for us. Today was Samantha’s birthday, so my son is taking her out to dinner so Grandpa had the three kid’s to feed, since we did pizza last night I asked what was the one thing they all wanted for supper, of course instead of a home cooked meal it was TACO BELL so Grandpa made a run to the border and brought home supper. Boy do I have three happy Grandkid’s right now, The xbox is going and the dogs are getting a workout.

Now Grandpa is going to relax and have a cold Miller High Life.

Hope everybody has a great weekend. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……


  1. Good job, Grandpa. Take a deep breath, put your feet up and your bottom down, and take it easy.

  2. right on Grampa..your a special one for sure..you deserve that Miller High Life!!!

  3. You deserve it, Grandpa. It takes a great deal of effore to do what you do!

    Mike and Dee

  4. The grandkids and dogs make it a REAL "Happy Hour"....aka "Miller Time"..

  5. Way to go, Gramps! Glad you got back from the Border safely with those Tacos!
